Bilan de la commission PEST : au Parlement Européen, le 27 avril

PEST 4 ans après

Bilan au Parlement Européen à Bruxelles, le 27 avril 2023

La photo de famille de Secrets Toxiques à Bruxelles

PEST special committee: 4 years later, what’s left to be done?

traduction en français à venir sous peu …

Following the “Monsanto Papers” scandal, a Special Committee was launched in the European Parliament to address shortcomings in the approval and monitoring procedures on the marketing and use of pesticides. Four years after the vote on the PEST report, former members of the Committee are coming together with experts, NGOs and officials to take stock of progresses made and what is left to be done.

Provisional Program

Overview of the implementation of the PEST report recommendations
– Martin Dermine – PAN Europ
– Former PEST Members

Promoting alternatives to synthetic pesticides: the key issue for the revision of the SUR Regulation.
How fast are alternatives to synthetic pesticides developed and spread?
Is the target of halving pesticide use by 2030 a clear enough signal to incentivise private and public innovation?
How to best support farmers? What are the other levers to operate?

– Dario Piseli – European Environment Agency, Impacts of pesticides on health and ecosystems in Europe
– Christian Huygue – INRAE (Institut National de la Recherche pour l’Agriculture, l’Alimentation et l’Environnement), Toward Chemical Pesticides-Free Agriculture in 2050
– Jennifer Lewis – IBAM (International Biocontrol Manufacturers Association)

Q&A with MEPs

Strengthening pesticide authorisation procedures: the case of glyphosate.
How to improve the complementarity between the European level assessing active substances and the national one evaluating products including co-formulants and impurities? What ethical rules and what is the place given to independent studies and data? To what extent has the Aarhus Regulation improved transparency on procedures?
– François Veillerette – Générations futures and Secrets Toxiques
– Professeur Zmirou-Navier – CNDASPE (Commission Nationale Déontologie et alerte en santé publique et environnement)
– Hans van Sharen – Corporate Europe Observatory

Q&A with MEPs

Aligning trade rules with European public and environmental health policies.
Can pesticides still be produced and exported to third countries while been banned for use in the EU? Will the revision of REACH and PIC allow for more consistency? How to implement reciprocity measures in trade in order to protect human health and biodiversity in Europe and around the world?

– Jonas Jaccard – SOS Faim
– Eva Coral – European Environmental Bureau
– Heinz-Joachim Hofer – Committee of the Regions

Q&A with MEPs

Key-note Speakers
– Antoine Lambert – Farmer et President of Phyto-victimes association
– Claire Bury – DG SANTE
– Philippe Mauguin – CEO of INRAE (Institut National de la Recherche pour l’Agriculture, l’Alimentation et l’Environnement)
– Bart Staes – former MEP, former co-rapporteur of PEST special committee’s report

Conclusion by co-hosting MEPs

Lien pour s’inscrire et suivre les débats en visio :

Mobilisation devant le Parlement Européen

Les militant.e.s sont invité.e.s à manifester devant le Parlement Européen, muni.e.s de passoires pour symboliser les trous, failles que nous avons identifiées lors des procédures d’évaluation et d’homologation des pesticides, et qui laissent entrer des toxiques normalement interdits dans notre environnement, dans notre nourriture et dans nos corps.
Mobilisation Secrets Toxiques  informations à venir

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